About creativepiano
Bringing back the Fun into Learning
“Being a father of two children myself, I learned and understood something! So I found a way to take away the pressure of practicing at home and still allow children to progress. Sounds impossible? No. And our studio is proof of that.”
Stefan Lechner (Owner of creativepiano)
Our Story
For many years, I only taught traditional private lessons. Students got 30 minutes of my undivided attention. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
Over the years, however, I found that students always relied solely on me and were almost completely dependent on my help. I looked over their shoulders the whole time and corrected every aspect of their playing.
In this way, many children lost the ability to work things out on their own, since I was always there to help.
And on top of that we quickly ran out of lesson time and children had to finish their piece on their own at home.
The traditional teaching model has followed this principle for centuries leading to many problems.
My students always relied on me to “take them by the hand” and they felt lost at home. This was the main reason why children did not want to practice at home.
Parents were helpless and overwhelmed, fighting over practice with their child. There was little or no progress. The moment this negative cycle became too much, they eventually dropped out of piano lessons. I knew something had to change.
I wished for my students to feel confident, to learn independently and for parents to stop fighting with their children about practicing at home.
Being a father of two children myself, I learned and understood something! So I found a way to take away the pressure of practicing at home and still allow children to progress. Sound impossible? No. And our studio is proof of that.
Students now come to a 60 minutes weekly lesson and learn all their music during class. I guide them through new material while giving them space to explore concepts, to learn from mistakes and to improve step by step.
Students now make faster progress and are better able to correct themselves. Their self-confidence grows, as does their ability to work things out on their own.
Stefan Lechner (Owner of creativepiano)
About Stefan
Learn more about the owner of creativepiano

Boring Facts
- Plays the piano since 1990 and violoncello since 1994
- Attended music high school in Innsbruck
- Pedagogical studies at the University of Music Vienna in piano and violoncello
- Participation in numerous projects as pianist and arranger in Austria and abroad
- Accompanist to well-known soloists
- Part of the PianoMarvel Sight-Reading Projects
- 20+ years of teaching experience
- Continuing education to stay up-to-date
Fun Facts
- Happily married to Kim, together they have 2 children
- Favorite cuisine: Italian, Indonesian and Thai
- Vegetarian
- Speaks Tyrolean, English, Dutch, everyday Italian and a little Japanese
- Suffers from CLAG (Constant Learning and Growing)
- Passionate swimmer, sports climber and ice hockey player (plus occasional juggling and Kalaripayattu)
- Enjoys dark chocolate from Zotter for life
- Enjoys listening to Mahler, Beethoven and electronic music
- Loves to play Jazz, Mozart, Chopin, film music and Super Mario with his children
Want to learn more about how I can help your child thrive at the piano?
Then click the button and book an intro lesson with us!

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